The Different Types of Polyamory
It’s vital to know the different types of polyamory because the reason you might believe polyamory doesn’t work might be because you simply don’t know there is more than one option available.

You Don’t Have Fulfil All Your Partner’s Needs (And That’s Okay)
Understanding and accepting you can’t provide everything your partner needs is not only liberating, but it might just save your relationship.

Does Being Polyamorous Mean You Are Queer?
When you're new to polyamory, it's important to learn the difference between queer practice and the queer community

Should You Date Someone New to Polyamory?
Everyone needs to start their polyamory journey somewhere, but who takes on responsibility for teaching them?

What is Parallel Polyamory?
While some people love the idea of combining their polycules into one big happy family (often known as Kitchen Table Polyamory), others prefer to keep each relationship as a separate entity where their partners know about each other but have no desire to spend time together as a unit. This is called "Parallel Polyamory".

How Do I Ask Out My Friend’s Girlfriend?
While it’s not a deal-breaker in polyamory, can you suppose ask out your friend's girlfriend when that friend is right there?

Is Monogamy Always Toxic?
Does monogamy’s history mean it can never be anything other than a tool of the Patriarchy?

Everyone Wanted Her, But No One Wanted Me
If only I’d known this was the most difficult part of being non-monogamous

“Rules” vs “Agreements” in Polyamorous Relationships
You should avoid hurting your partner because you don't want to, not because you can't.

Do I Have To Make Friends With My Metamour?
How close should you be with your partner’s other partner?

6 Relationship Models You Need to Know
There is no “right” way to create a polyamorous relationship, so let explore some of the many different options available.

Does Monogamy Even Exist?
It might be time to change the way we define relationships and step away from traditional ideas.

Polyamory Week 2022 - We are all polyamorous
And today, for our last post, I wanted to talk about one of the most universal lessons I've taken on board: the fact we are all polyamorous.

The Lessons Everyone Can Learn From Polyamory
You might not want to try it yourself, but there’s still something to learn.

No, You Can’t Do Polyamory “Wrong”
Stop worrying about following templates and embrace your own needs.

How Important Is The Reason We’re Polyamorous?
Because if polyamory is something we’re born as, then suddenly Choice vs. Nature becomes a much deeper discussion than we thought.

5 Benefits Of Polyamory (That You Didn’t Expect)
Whatever led you to polyamory, I believe you are going to find that the most rewarding and satisfying things you will find are not what you were expecting.
And so here are 5 things I have gained from polyamory that I never saw coming.

10 Words You Should Know Coming Into Polyamory
Coming into a new community can be confusing when you don’t know the terminology everyone is using. So here are 10 words you should know going in.