Get Ready for Polyamory Week 2021

You can find all posts for Polyamory Week 2021 here.

Last year, I participated in Polyamory Week: seven days of celebration of polyamory and ethical non-monogamy.

It was great timing for me, as we had recently come out publicly about our polyamory. It was a chance to educate my friends and family about my lifestyle. I’m certain some of them had questions they’d been far too English to ask, and this allowed me to answer them.

And while I’ve not seen anyone really post about it happening this year, I’ve decided I’m going to do it again!

So from February 9th to 15th, check here Polyamory Week 2021.

I’m going to be doing things a little differently this year. Last year was a celebration of everything wonderful about polyamory. This time I’m taking a look at things from a different angle. No lifestyle is perfect and this time around I’m going to examine the hardships that come with being ethically non-monogamous.

See you all next week!

For those interested, all my posts for Polyamory Week 2020 can be found here.


Polyamory Week 2021


Polyamory Week 2020 - The Future